Itqanpreneurs_NEWS – Every entrepreneur indeed longs for success. Success in this area includes financial and non-financial dimensions. In the financial dimension, success can be seen from the acquisition of business turnover, business profits, and business assets. Financial success occurs when turnover, profits, and business assets increase, so this means business growth.
For Entrepreneurs, business growth has been a tremendous success. Therefore, Entrepreneurs need to make various efforts in order for the business growth trend to continue. When the positive trend of growth continues, then the characteristics of the business may change. Some dimensions will look different; for example, the number of employees increases, sales outlets increase, marketing areas expand, and more.
One of the efforts to ensure that growth continues to occur, then resources are needed. According to Ridzwan et al. (2017), resources are the heart of Entrepreneurs’ success in business. Therefore, it becomes essential for entrepreneurs to identify the resources they already have.
Based on identifying these resources, Entrepreneurs’ friends can distinguish which resources are productive and not productive. On productive resources, analysis needs to be done, and decisions need to be improved. If necessary, how to improve it? Meanwhile, it needs to be analyzed and decided on unproductive resources, repaired, sold, or even donated? When selected and decided to be a grant to the community in need, the continuity of benefits is still felt by the grant’s beneficiaries.
Dear Entrepreneurs, congratulations on trying to identify the business resources you are currently managing. * Author Efri Syamsul Bahri, Founder Itqanpreneurs Advisory Group. email:, (14/1/2021)